Subject modules of IMA Study course 
Semester 1
- Practice-oriented courses (385071020) 20071
- Practical semester - exam (385071000) 20071
- Practical semester - exam (385071100) 20071
- Practical time (385071010) 20071
Semester 2
- Business management (385072010) 20071
- Seminar on production economics (385072020) 20071
- Business management and controlling (385072030) 20071
- Compulsory elective modules, group A (385072810) 20071
- Applied computer science in business management including empirical social research (385072040) 20071
Semester 3
- Seminar on agricultural policy (385073020) 20071
- Agricultural consulting (385073220) 20071
- Corporate development concepts (385073110) 20071
- Corporate development concepts (385073310) 20071
- Corporate development concepts (385073210) 20071
- Management consulting (385073120) 20071
- Policy an strategy of regional development (385073420) 20071
- Regional development concepts (385073410) 20071
- Regional development concepts (385073320) 20071
- Strategies of international agricultural marketing (385073030) 20071
- Business planning (385073010) 20071
- Compulsory elective modules, group B (385073040) 20071
- Compulsory elective modules, group C (385074810) 20071
Semester 4
- Practical placement in a company (385074020) 20071
- Master thesis (385074000) 20071
- Project planning and project evaluation (385074010) 20071
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